My new dentist (I adore their practice, which is saying a lot coming from someone who hates going to the dentist) was incredibly kind to me last year, and he gave me a brand new electric toothbrush. It is another product that has honestly changed my life, and I won't go without one now. Since I began using it regularly, I haven't had a single dental problem. My exams are wham-bam-gorgeous-teeth-thank-you-ma'am. Love it.
A lot of people have these toothbrushes and love them. If you don't, PLEASE get one. The one I have is literally $12 online. (Link: It's battery-powered, so they do have to be changed occasionally, but then it travels well with no charging cord. You can go up to a couple hundred bucks with these things, and I might spring for the $100 Oral-B re-chargeable one at some point. For now, this one has been so great. It times your brushing for two minutes and rotates lots to get your teeth squeaky-clean.
Of course, this works BEST if you floss every day (floss picks - another wonderful product!) and use mouthwash, but a $12 investment is something everyone can make, especially if it saves you money on dental procedures in the end. Stocking stuffer idea, yes?