Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pearly Whites Love

Over the years, I've learned the incredible value of taking care of my teeth.  I had quite a few fillings as a child/teen, and later learned that fillings aren't permanent.  They usually have to be replaced after a number of years.  That process is not fun.  And it's expensive to replace them with something that WILL last, like porcelain.  Worth it?  Yes.  Avoidable?  Also, yes.

My new dentist (I adore their practice, which is saying a lot coming from someone who hates going to the dentist) was incredibly kind to me last year, and he gave me a brand new electric toothbrush.  It is another product that has honestly changed my life, and I won't go without one now.  Since I began using it regularly, I haven't had a single dental problem.  My exams are wham-bam-gorgeous-teeth-thank-you-ma'am. Love it.  

A lot of people have these toothbrushes and love them.  If you don't, PLEASE get one.  The one I have is literally $12 online.  (Link:  It's battery-powered, so they do have to be changed occasionally, but then it travels well with no charging cord.  You can go up to a couple hundred bucks with these things, and I might spring for the $100 Oral-B re-chargeable one at some point.  For now, this one has been so great.  It times your brushing for two minutes and rotates lots to get your teeth squeaky-clean.

Of course, this works BEST if you floss every day (floss picks - another wonderful product!) and use mouthwash, but a $12 investment is something everyone can make, especially if it saves you money on dental procedures in the end.  Stocking stuffer idea, yes?

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